This unique three-dimensional model is used to demonstrate palpation of the abdomen to determine fetal lie, presentation, and position. The ability to perform Leopold’s Maneuvers and provide immediate visualization of the fetus after demonstration of the palpation skills is an advantage in teaching health professionals and students. Allows for visualization of the concepts of breech and vertex presentations as well as anterior and posterior positions. The model includes a fetus with a weighted body, movable arms and legs, firm buttocks, and a head with palpable anterior and posterior fontanels to allow for easy differentiation of fetal parts being palpated. The body flexes to permit demonstration of all presentations and positions. The fetus and vinyl pelvis rest within the abdominal portion of the model. The abdomen is padded cloth attached by hook-and-loop to the base which allows for easy removal and replacement in order to visualize and change fetal positions. Movable gel packs are included to simulate amniotic fluid. Includes a practice/resource guide.
Click here to download instructions

★ 주문시 참고: 제작 특성상 피부색상 랜덤(라이트 or 다크)




-품명 및 모델명 : 복부촉진모형(출산) (SB23476)

-허가관련 : 해당사항없음

-제조국/원산지 :  U.S.A

-제조자/수입자 : NASCO / 소영무역

-A/S 관련 연락처 : 032)322-0562

-주문후 예상 배송기간 :  재고있을시 7일이내